When your religion is part of your identity, you might wonder how to assimilate the beliefs you have been taught with the new intertwined journey you are undertaking with your queer child.
We won’t sugar coat it, this is often the hardest obstacle for families to overcome when a loved one comes out. But it is possible. And we haven’t come this far in the journey with you to abandon you here.
“Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it’s faced.”
Let's face it together.
conflicting beliefs
conflicting beliefs
For many people of faith, some beliefs may conflict with the notion that an LGBTQ+ person is worthy of God’s love and yours. Navigating these conflicts can be challenging. We can’t tell you it will be easy. We can tell you that it is possible to support the LGBTQ+ community and your faith. Strong Family Alliance has some excellent suggestions for how to steer this section of the journey.
Another valuable resource is PFlag, they are very helpful at negotiating the conflict between faith and sexual orientation/gender identity and expression.
God is always bigger
than the boxes we build for God,
so we should not waste too much time protecting the boxes.
personal story: just because he breathes
Of all the stories we have read, we believe the one told by Linda Robertson best shows us why it’s essential to not only love your children but accept them the way they are.